The Heart of the Mountain

NOVEL (about to be released in English)

«You’d better get some adults involved,» said Valentina, «Someone you trust.»
«Are there any adults you can trust?» asked Alberto.

Italy, 1975: a country frightened by political terrorism, bombs on trains and in the squares, the first postwar economic crisis, and double-digit inflation.

Marco and Federico, two inseparable classmates, have decided to spend the vacations together in a small village in South Tyrol, where Federico’s other friends will also be. A carefree time to solidify friendships and make new loves.

What these young boys and girls don’t know, however, is that their lives are about to change forever, that from teenagers they will become adults in a matter of moments. A terrible event will lead them to understand how strong grief can be, how far one’s courage can go, and how important justice is in a country that often ignores it.

The Heart of the Mountain is a thriller and a coming-of-age novel. Its protagonists will find themselves caught up in a breathtaking adventure from which they can emerge more mature, or lifeless.


Laura Libri

The Heart of the Mountain by Mario Ferrari is about the future of a group of friends in close correlation with their own decision-making ability: the power to choose and make mistakes, explore and sift, overcome pain with the power of acceptance.

A splendid thriller novel in which the author – with great fluidity, lightness and at the same time intellectual acumen – catapults us into a perfect characterization of personages and places, but also into years of suffering and despair – a time when violence is dogma and truth a mere and gloomy chimera.”

Read the complete review (in Italian).

Letture tra le nuvole

“With fluent and accessible writing the author presents us with very important themes such as deep friendship, growth, pain and courage. The teenagers are well characterized and defined in the narrative and in their journey of formation and growth in a very delicate age, that of adolescence.

The choice of setting is not accidental; the 1970s as a backdrop steeped in important economic, political and social events.

This combination of elements impressed me pleasantly, especially since one can see the care, research and study that the author put into creating the novel.”

Read the complete review (in Italian).

Libriamoci Blog

The Heart of the Mountain is a fascinating and magnetic debut novel that succeeds, through a plot with thriller overtones, in seasoning a story full of mystery and adventure with the deep tones of education.
Through a tight narrative with a strong cinematic imprint Mario Ferrari manages to create a strong element of maturation and evolution of all the characters who, between these pages, come to life in a very deep and articulate way.
A compelling novel that manages to talk about formation and friendship through a mystery and a well-developed story and a fast-paced narrative style. A continuing story that I look forward to discovering in the second novel in the series….”

Read the complete review (in Italian).


“A novel of friendship, of growing up, in which the mountains are the backdrop for the adventure of these teenagers, alone against the simplistic indifference and silence of society. The purity of their feelings will lead them to experience a summer unlike any other, a rite of passage to adulthood. United by pain and anger, they unknowingly mature under the banner of togetherness, love, trust, and courage.”

Read the complete review (in Italian).

Momo tra le pagine

“In questo romanzo i ragazzi si ritrovano in una situazione più grande di loro, e soprattutto si trovano a non poter chiedere aiuto agli adulti. Dovranno affrontare tantissime orribili situazioni che, grazie alle diverse capacità di ognuno di loro, li porteranno a cavarsela come meglio possono. L’avventura che vivono li legherà in un’amicizia indissolubile.
Vengono affrontate tematiche come il dolore, la perdita, l’amicizia e il coraggio di non arrendersi mai.
Ora sono curiosa di sapere cosa combineranno questi ragazzi anche nei prossimi libri.”

Leggi la recensione completa.


“In this novel the boys and girls find themselves in a situation that is bigger than themselves, and more importantly they find themselves unable to ask adults for help. They will have to face so many horrible situations that, thanks to the different abilities of each of them, will lead them to cope as best they can. The adventure they experience will bind them in an unbreakable friendship.
Themes such as grief, loss, friendship and the courage to never give up are addressed.
Now I’m curious to know what these guys will be up to in the next books as well.”

Read the complete review (in Italian).

Ourfamily’s Bookclub

“The protagonists of Mario Ferrari’s novel experience an incredible summer, which ferries them from adolescence to adulthood as they never imagined.
The characters are realistic. The environment is palpitating, vital, an important co-star. The plot is unpredictable, the chapters are short and pressing, the writing captivates.
A mix of thriller, adventure novel, and coming-of-age novel, The Heart of the Mountain speaks to today’s kids, peers of the protagonists. It also speaks to the kids of yesterday, who find themselves in the amarcord of an Italian era that made history.”

Read the complete review (in Italian).


You can download the first pages of the novel for free:

Where to buy

It is available in print or e-book format on all major online platforms.

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